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Geshe Jinpa Sonam Legacy Fund
Geshe Jinpa Sonam spent nearly twenty years developing our center as a place of spiritual development for attendees of diverse backgrounds, dedicated to helping all sentient beings be freed from suffering and to grow in love, compassion, and wisdom. Due to his great kindness and hard work, the Indiana Buddhist Center holds a complete collection of the Kangyur (the public and private teachings of the Buddha) and the Tengyur (volumes of commentaries on those teachings by many Indian masters who achieved enlightenment from putting them into diligent practice). To the Tibetan people, that makes IBC a holy place worthy of praise and a place where the merit of offerings are multiplied significantly.
Please consider becoming a GJS Legacy donor for as little as $10 per month. This program is separate from general individual and family membership.
May all beings, without exception, be freed from suffering and escape the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
To ensure that Geshe-la’s legacy continues for years to come, we establish a special monthly offering program that will help maintain the Dharma center building and property, assist the monks in south India to maintain his property so that young Ladakhi monks may have a place to reside during their long monastic education, take care of our resident teachers and monks that stay at IBC, and help offset costs for many other expenses that this endeavor requires. This monthly offering is a means of maintaining and improving our karmic connection with Geshe-la in future lives as well as with one another today. It is also tax deductible.
Though Geshe-la lived in America, he also maintained a house near Drepung monastery that has been a home for many of his young student monks from his region of northern India. In his passing, that responsibility is now carried out by his senior students. These responsibilities include monthly expenses and general upkeep over time.