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Indiana Buddhist Center

Your Support Matters

The Indiana Buddhist Center depends entirely on your generous donations to continue benefitting the Indianapolis area and beyond with authentic dharma.  The funds allow us to make teachings available, and for the care of our precious resident monks.


Your thoughtful donation is deeply appreciated at IBC. On behalf of the IBC Board of Directors, we thank you for your generosity.

Donation Options

In Person

By Mail


You can make a donation online by clicking the button below. 

If you're looking to become a member, head on over to the membership page to get started

Make a donation


One time









Comment (optional)


  • Donations to IBC pay for the expenses necessary to support our resident teachers and to keep the Center running: utilities, maintenance, insurance, groceries, etc.

    If you want to offer a monetary gift to a monk or translator, you must specify the name of the intended person. Gifts to individuals are not tax deductible.
    Money from items purchased in the IBC Store also goes into the general fund, if only to restock inventory items. Purchases from the IBC store are not tax deductible.

  • Your donation will be applied towards your annual membership fee automatically if you include a membership form, which is available next to the donation box. If you do not have a membership form, then simply include a note requesting that the donation is applied to your membership, and you must also include your name and mailing address. If you wish to have a family membership, also include the names of other family members to be included in the membership.

  • The Indiana Buddhist Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and monetary donations to IBC are tax deductible according to that status. If you wish to have a tax receipt, you must include your name and mailing address, and preferably your email address, in the envelope along with your donation.


    If you specify that your gift or offering should be directed to an individual (such as a monk or translator), the donation is not tax deductible.

    Also, purchases made from the IBC store are not tax deductible.

  • Consider using these programs offered by certain companies and retailers to make donations.

    Online shopping with
    Use the web site to make your online purchases. Here's how it works - Sign up for a free igive account, and select your cause (Indiana Buddhist Center). Then, whenever you go shopping, check in at the igive web site first, select the store where you want to shop, and IBC will automatically receive a percentage of your purchase.

    Use as your internet search engine, designating "Indiana Buddhist Center" as your organization to support, and IBC earns a penny for every search you make! Doesn't sound like much? It adds up!

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